Wednesday, September 5, 2007

STARBUCKS MARKETING EXPANSION GLOBALLY: New partnership signed on sep5th,07 with Apple i-tunes and Starbucks

It is mostly common these days to find a Starbucks Coffee Cafe on every corner in the city streets. But apart from your regular Starbuck Cafe citywide , starbucks has announced that they are also focusing in the five following intresting areas of business marketing for their expansion:
-Hotels -Colleges and Universities -Business and Industry Cafeterias -Healthcare -Other Foodservice Venues
ONE OF STARBUCKS GUIDING PRINCIPLES being adopted as a great marketing Strategity: "EMBRACING DIVERSITY as a key component to the way we do business." Apart from owning its own music company"HEAR MUSIC" and and signing great musical artist such as Paul MaCartney, Dave Mattews Band, JAmes Taylor STARBUCKS has recently announced a partnership with APPLE i-tunes music on set 5th, 07. As views stated below about the partnership by Starbucks CEO/chairman , Howard Schultz: With this partnership, we’re bringing Apple’s leadership in digital music together with not only our retail footprint, but the unique Starbucks experience, to offer customers a world-class digital music experience,” said Howard Schultz, chairman, Starbucks Coffee Company. Starbucks press released.

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