Sunday, September 23, 2007


Starbucks-Pepsi to expand Ethos Water distribution
said it's signed a deal with PEPSI-CO INC to expand distribution of Starbucks-owned ETHOS WATER Seattle-based Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) bought Ethos last year and the water company makes a 5 cent donation with each bottle sold to world clean-water programs.

As part of the deal, Purchase, N.Y.-based PepsiCo (NYSE: PEP) will increase the distribution of Ethos water, which is currently sold in 5,000 Starbucks stores and several small U.S. retailers.
"We will ultimately increase Ethos Water's reach to more than 100,000 points of distribution,"
said Gerry LopThe world's biggest specialty coffee company has also extended its footprint into the ready-to-drink sector with an equally successful bottled Frappuccino in association with PEPSICO, as well as a range of premium ice cream products. Yet for all its commercial acumen, Starbucks prefers to think of itself as a lifestyle brand, a home teraway from home, a personality choice.ez, president, Starbucks Global Consumer Products, in a statement. Starbucks and Ethos are committed to raising awareness of the World Water Crisis and to empowering people to make a difference with every purchase of Ethos. Every time you purchase a bottle of Ethos™ Water we will contribute US $0.05 toward our goal of raising at least US $10 million by 2010. For all bottles sold in Starbucks stores in Canada Ethos™ Water donates C$0.10 toward this mission.

Friday, September 21, 2007

WK 5- Starbucks Marketing Plans

STARBUCKS is committed to market its product 'coffee' in diffrent means throughout the year. The innovative marketing team of starbucks is mostly responsible for the company's success thorouhout the years.

The most recent marketing plan for Starbucks is logo by the theme 'COFFEE IS CULINARY.' In Q4 starbucks is teaming up with award-winning chef and author MARCUS SAMUELSON to create two wonderful coffees and food pairings to showcase their expertise.Coffees are:
1. Ubora Blend- mixture of the finest coffees from Africa.
2. Joya Del Dia Blend mixture of the finest coffees from Latin America

Food Pairings: Chocolate Cinnamon Cake and Pumpkin Loaf for the fest of season.
This is all in an effort to make customers educated with COFFEE regions and food pairings.


Starbucks Coffee is committed and dedicated in the sustainability of their coffee market for years to come, and they simply start off by doing so with strong business relationships with Coffee farmers throughout the world, mainly, the Latin America and Africa regions, where farmers can get loans and adivce for their plantation.

Doing Business in a Different Way Contributing positively to our communities and environment is so important to Starbucks that it’s one of the six guiding principles of our mission statement . We work together on a daily basis with partners (employees), suppliers and farmers to help create a more sustainable approach to high-quality coffee production, to help build stronger local communities, to minimize our environmental footprint and to be responsive to our customers’ health and wellness needs.

STARBUCKS MISSION STATEMENT: The true success guideline for this company.

1.Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.

2.The following six guiding principles will help us measure the appropriateness of our decisions:Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity.

3.Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business.Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee.

4.Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time.Contribute positively to our communities and our environment.

5.Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success.

Monday, September 17, 2007

STARBUCKS/ apple i-tune most recent marketing advertisement initative

STARBUCKS MOST RECENT MARKETING INITATIVE:With the recent partnership from STARBUCKS and Apple i-tunes, STARBUCKS/ I-tunes has advertised that starting on Oct 1st, guest will be able to download music from their I-pods, I-phones and notebook. Please note this is the only spot besides the apple store itself where customers can download and actual pay for their music within a store. This seems to be a great marketing advertisement initative from both companies that are expected to capitalize big...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

week 3- SBUX STOCK UPDATE for the past business week

STARBUCKS COFFEE STOCK value is currently at $27.04 and has stayed between $27 for the last week. This stock has not seen any major growth since the last stock split last yr.

Starbucks "SBUX" has been one of the greatest success stories of recent American business history. It singlehandedly turned coffee from a $0.50-a-cup afterthought to a $4-or-more stand-alone event. Financially speaking, the company's growth continues today. In its most recent quarter, Starbucks notched revenue growth of 20%, and net earnings 9% ahead of its prior-year totals. Those are respectable numbers, especially for a company that already has around $9 billion a year in sales.
Yet since peaking out at $40.01 a share last fall, Starbucks stock has tumbled precipitously, losing more than 30% of its market price

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

STARBUCKS MARKETING EXPANSION GLOBALLY: New partnership signed on sep5th,07 with Apple i-tunes and Starbucks

It is mostly common these days to find a Starbucks Coffee Cafe on every corner in the city streets. But apart from your regular Starbuck Cafe citywide , starbucks has announced that they are also focusing in the five following intresting areas of business marketing for their expansion:
-Hotels -Colleges and Universities -Business and Industry Cafeterias -Healthcare -Other Foodservice Venues
ONE OF STARBUCKS GUIDING PRINCIPLES being adopted as a great marketing Strategity: "EMBRACING DIVERSITY as a key component to the way we do business." Apart from owning its own music company"HEAR MUSIC" and and signing great musical artist such as Paul MaCartney, Dave Mattews Band, JAmes Taylor STARBUCKS has recently announced a partnership with APPLE i-tunes music on set 5th, 07. As views stated below about the partnership by Starbucks CEO/chairman , Howard Schultz: With this partnership, we’re bringing Apple’s leadership in digital music together with not only our retail footprint, but the unique Starbucks experience, to offer customers a world-class digital music experience,” said Howard Schultz, chairman, Starbucks Coffee Company. Starbucks press released.